Category: Smallville Season 2

s2 ep6 – Redux. Farm to Fable: a Smallville rewatch podcast

Michael is joined by Ryan to discuss S2 ep6 Redux.

At Smallville High School, a swimmer mysteriously ages and dies after meeting his girlfriend Chrissy Parker. The new principal Reynolds arrives and comes into conflict with Clark Kent because he is a friend of Lex Luthor’s. Clark asks Chloe and Pete to investigate Principal Reynolds’ history, as well as Chrissy whom they suspect is a life-draining freak who needs three youths to stay eternally young every 12 years. Meanwhile, the Kents are having financial problems and Martha contacts her estranged father, whom she hasn’t seen for twenty years, to borrow some money, much to Jonathan’s disapproval. Lana Lang also finds an old picture of her mother with an apparent boyfriend. After not getting any help from Aunt Nelle, Lana then asks Lex to help her investigate.

s2 ep5 – Nocturne. Farm to Fable: a Smallville rewatch podcast

Michael is joined by Mira to discuss S2 ep 5. Nocturne.Lana Lang finds some poems from a secret admirer in the gravestone of her parents in the cemetery. Later, she meets the author, Byron Moore, a weird teenager kept locked by his parents in the basement of their farmhouse. They believe the boy is abused by his parents, but soon they realize that he was the subject of an experiment of a laboratory of Luthor Corp, which made him powerfully evil and super-strong when he comes into contact with sunlight. Meanwhile, Martha Kent is invited to work as the assistant of Lionel Luthor, and she accepts the invitation under the reluctance of Jonathan Kent.

s2 ep4 – Red. Farm to Fable: a Smallville rewatch podcast

Michael is joined by Maria to discuss S2 ep 4. Red. Clark gets his Smallville class ring, but these rings contain RED KRYPTONITE making him turn into DARK CLARK.

Farm to Fable: a Smallville rewatch podcast. s2 ep3 – Duplicity

Michael is joined by Kalum to discuss S2 ep 3. Duplicity. When Dr. Steven Hamilton, physically sick from repeated exposure to meteor rock radiation, causing constant Parkinson-like twitches, becomes a liability to Lex Luthor, he terminates their contract. Dr. Hamilton leaves the mansion and drives down the road like a lunatic and causes a serious accident with a truck driven by Ray Wallace. The truck overturns in a cornfield near Clark Kent’s spacecraft and, while trying to rescue Ray, Pete Ross sees the UFO. The next morning, Pete asks Clark to help him to bring the object to his workshop. When Dr. Hamilton steals the spacecraft, Pete believes Clark has taken it, so Clark discloses his secret to his friend. Meanwhile, the now blind Lionel Luthor moves into Lex’s mansion forcing Lex to care for him. Also, to Lana’s dismay, her aunt Nell Potter is in love with a new boyfriend named Dean.

Farm to Fable: a Smallville rewatch podcast. s2 ep2 – Heat

Michael is joined by Alan Nicholas to discuss S2 ep 2. Heat. When the “hot” new Biology teacher Desiree Atkins (Krista Allen) arrives in Smallville, Clark Kent gets excited in her presence and his hormonal surge sets off a new ability: heat vision. Lex Luthor meets and falls for Atkins and they decide to get married. Meanwhile, Clark’s heat vision causes another fire at The Talon when Clark is talking with Lana, leading Clark to get briefly jailed on suspicions of arson. Lex invites Clark to be his best man, but when Desiree tries to seduce Clark, he realizes that she is a meteor freak with the power to seduce men.

Farm to Fable: a Smallville rewatch podcast. s2 ep1 – Vortex

Michael is joined by Jonathan Pay to discuss S2 ep 1. Vortex. Clark saves Lana from the tornado, leading Lana to be suspicious of Clark. While protecting Clark’s secret, Jonathan gets trapped with reporter Roger Nixon in an underground mausoleum. Lex and Clark search for Jonathan.