s6 ep19 – Nemesis. Farm to Fable: a Smallville rewatch podcast

Hello and welcome to Farm to Fable, a Smallville re-watch fancast.

Here is our review/discussion of s6 ep19 Nemeiss. This episode was originally aired on April 26th, 2007. It was written by Caroline Dries and was Directed by Mairzee Alamas

Episode summary: After Jodi, the wife of a Special Forces soldier, explodes a pipe bomb in one of Lex’s secret laboratories, Lionel is severely injured, and Lex is taken hostage by the enraged spouse. Clark is the only one who can save him but because of the high concentration of Meteor Rock in the tunnels Clark and Lex must work together or both could die.

It’s IMDB.com rating 7.2

In this episode Michael is joined by Chris Goffredo

Mentioned on the show



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