s7 ep8 – Blue. Farm to Fable: a Smallville rewatch podcast
Michael is joined by Jaden to discuss S7 Ep8 Blue
Michael is joined by Jaden to discuss S7 Ep8 Blue
Michael is joined by Shawn to discuss S7 Ep7 Wrath
Michael is joined by Kyle to discuss S7 Ep7 Lara.
This week we have our first season Seven Letters to the Editor episode.
Michael is joined by David to discuss S7 Ep5 Action.
Michael is joined by JP Bonner to discuss S7 Ep4 Cure
Michael is joined by Rich Howard to discuss S7 Ep3 Fierce.
Michael is joined by Shawn W. to discuss S7 Ep2 Kara
Lewanika is joined by MIchael R. to discuss S7 Ep1 Bizarro
This week we have our final letters to the Editor ep for season Six Letters to the Editor episode.